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Wednesday, August 30, 2023


Sandy Ethridge, with more than three decades of leadership in health care to her credit, has been named president of the Multi-Assistance Center at Morgan’s Wonderland, or The MAC, which constitutes a revolutionary new approach to helping address medical, therapeutic and non-medical drivers of health faced by those with special needs.

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LSA 47 leans into Civic Engagement
Friday, August 11, 2023

LSA 47 leans into Civic Engagement

本月,lsa47加入了#FightForSA的行列,因为团队公民参与分享了有意义的工具和机会,让我们的城市领导人积极参与公民活动. This month’s LSA 47 class day included 8 rounds of “fights” that ...

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San Antonio Region Sees Continued Job Growth
Thursday, July 27, 2023

San Antonio Region Sees Continued Job Growth

自去年6月以来,圣安东尼奥增加了41,700个工作岗位,年增长率为3%.根据Workforce Solutions Alamo (WSA)最新发布的月度劳动力数据,这一比例为7%。. The San Antonio metro area has had the largest percentage ...

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Chamber celebrates National Hire A Veteran Day
Thursday, July 27, 2023

Chamber celebrates National Hire A Veteran Day

Roughly 200,000 military members retire or separate from the armed services every year, according to the Department of Labor. These veterans bring competitive skills to civilian jobs, along with the core values military service cultivates, including ...

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Connect with Tomorrow's Talent at UTSA
Wednesday, June 28, 2023

Connect with Tomorrow's Talent at UTSA

Competition for top talent has never been so heightened, and employers across industries are struggling to fill vacancies. 与大学生建立联系可以帮助你为你的组织和你的公司建立人才管道 ...

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Chamber’s Executive Board Meets for June Meeting
Friday, June 23, 2023

Chamber’s Executive Board Meets for June Meeting

美国商会执行委员会于6月15日星期四在核之星能源公司总部举行会议. The Chamber’s 2023 Chair of the Board Katie Harvey, CEO of KGBTexas Communications, kicked off the meeting by inviting Sam Dawson, CEO of ...

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Aerospace Committee Maps Manufacturing Capabilities
Thursday, June 22, 2023

Aerospace Committee Maps Manufacturing Capabilities

The San Antonio Chamber of Commerce Aerospace Committee met on Tuesday, June 13th to discuss manufacturing capabilities in the region. Chair Scott Gray, President, Elevate Systems, welcomed the group to Atkinson Aeronautics, who hosted the meeting ...

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LSA 47 talks infrastructure in San Antonio
Thursday, June 22, 2023

LSA 47 talks infrastructure in San Antonio

LSA 47 hosted an Infrastructure Day, 它关注的是城市如何保护和发展对交通等日常生活有贡献的基础结构, power, and water. The class started their day at Stinson Municipal Airport with ...

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